The sun is most important to life, without it there would not be life. 5 billion years ago, there was no sun or the planets around it. how did the sun arise? It emerged from the fragments of stars explosions, along with the sun the solar system was created and of third to these planets life has appeared. the sun has been around five million years. the average distance to sun is 149,6 million kilometers. The sun is center of our planetary orbit. it is the star that has been shining quite uniformly for millions of years, if its surface temperature had changed by 10 percent , the earth would have died down. the sun is made up of various gasses , the giant ocean deliver energy to the celestial bodies round it. In the seventeen century, a renowned Italian scientist Galileo created a telescope, through which he saw spots moving on the surface of the sun. the sun is composed of several layers . there is a nucleus in the middle where there is a very high temperature. the nucleus produced huge energy. the temperature on the sun's surface is +6000 degrees. spots found by Galileo are much lower than those temperatures around the sun. As we know , the sun and the planets around it are part of our galaxy "milky way,, the solar system is located on the edge of the galaxy. the sun and other nearby stars move around the center of the galaxy at speeds of 200-220 km per second. one complete rotation of the sun has taken 200 million years. the equatorial and polar parts of the sun move at different speeds around the axis , on the equator 25 day-nights with 40 degree latitude and on the poles 30 day-nights. this is because the sun is not a solid body but a boiling gas field, 70% hydrogen and 30% helium giant sphere. the total energy emitted by the sun is L = 3,86∙1026 watts. that is, each square centimeter of it emits 6,5 kilowatts of energy. the earth receives only 1/2 billion of this energy. Th sun is believed to be in the middle phase of its evolution today.
Sunny influence on the earth
The sun and the processes on it has the significant impact on the Earth. The time of day-night and years change defends on the sun The radiation from the sun affects the living and nonliving nature of the earth, for example, human health . Various types of sunlight steams ( solar wind, coronal eruption,energy particles) affect the operation of electrical equipment, radio and navigation equipment and artificial satellites, also the interaction from the sun with the Earth's magnetosphere and atmosphere causes climate change on Earth. Energy particles moving in the solar wind can damage artificial satellites and endanger the health of astronauts. These charged particles have enough energy to penetrate inside a satellite or spacecraft. when moving in the protective layer (walls) of the satellite, the changed particles of energy generate a strong electric field, which in turn causes an electrical discharge, which damages the devices mounted on the satellite. The strongest flow of energy particles was observed in the solar wind in August 1972. Calculations showed that if there were astronauts in space , they would receive a lethal dose of radiation for 10 hours. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can damage human health, weaken the immune system, cause genetic changes in living organisms, cause eye and skin diseases (e.g cancer) Ultraviolet radiation can inhibit the growth of planet. Fortunately , the earth is surrounded by a protective layer- an atmosphere that helps maintain life on earth. The atmosphere prevents the diffusion of harmful radiation from the sun. The reduction in the shape of ultraviolet radiation on Earth depends on cloudiness and the amount of ozone in the atmosphere. A small change in the amount of ozone can cause significant changed in the diffusion of ultraviolet radiation into the earth's atmosphere. A skinning and spectacular example of the interaction of energy flowing from the sun and the atmosphere of the Earth is "Northern Celia ,, energy particles emitted from the sun are intercepted by the Earth's magnetic field and they cant reach the Earth's atmosphere. The coalescence of these particles around the Earth forms the so-called "Van Allen Belt,, During solar activity a magnetic storm associated with coronal mass eruptions causes a change in the Earth's magnetic field structure. because of this, changed particles of energy from the "Van Allen Belt,, are able to penetrate Earth's atmosphere. The interaction of there charged particles with the ionosphere causes a light, known as the northern celery. As we can see, the sun influences the climate of the earth, the living and the non-living nature.
The sun as a red giant.
The very high temperature of the sun's crown remained a mystery for a long time, if the temperature of the photo-sphere is 6.000 degrees Celsius ( 13 million nuclei) how can the temperature of the crown above the surface be millions of degrees? The acoustic waves generated at the debts of the sun, caused by microwaves and extending at a speed of 20 km/sec, have been the cause of this anomaly. After about 7. 6 - 7. 8 billion year after , when the sun will be 12.2 billion years old it will heat up, the temperature generated in its bosom will cause a thermonuclear reaction and the remaining hydrogen will start thermonuclear combustion, the outer layer of the sun will expand and sun will leave the main sequence and turning into a red giant, its size will increase 256 times, with expansion expanding ( 2700 times) and the surface temperature decreasing to 2400 degrees, the sun's expanding outer shell reaches Earth;s orbit. according to one version, due to high winds the sun will lose 28% of its mass. As the result, the earth will move to a farther orbit and survive, in the the second version it will fall into the sun, slowing down the sun's rotation and reverting its outer membrane will bring Earth back into close orbit. if our planet survives,its water will turn into gas and the strongest wind of the sun will scatters atmosphere to cosmos.
The solar wind
Magnetic storms and polar light on the earth are associated with solar wind. Due to solar wind the sun loses about one million tones of substance every second. The solar wind is mostly composed of electronics, protons and helium nuclei ( alpha particles) . The intensity of the solar wind is related to the activity of the sun. The solar wind is structured and generally divided into two types: calm and anxious ( sporadic and recurrent) The quiet flow is divided into two classes: slow( 300-500 km/ sec) and fast ( 500-800 km/sec) a slow solar wind forms the " quiet" part f the sun's crown, when 2* 106 K the crown emerges from the hydro-static equilibrium and its expansion is accelerated by supersonic coronal super-cooling. fast solar wind, which is released by the sun for several months, is characterized by a period of 27 days. Rapid flows are associated with coronal holes-corona areas with relatively low temperatures ( about 0,8 * 106 K) low plasma densities ( the Pacific is only a quarter of the destiny) and radial magnetic fields with respect to the sun, due to the high conductivity of the solar wind plasma, the magnetic field of the sun is frozen in the wind and extends into the interplanetary space, the solar wind forms the boundary of the Heliosphere from which the interstellar gas enters the solar system. The solar winds magnetic field significantly weakens the galactic cosmos rays coming from the outside. On planets that have a magnetic field, the solar wind causes the planet's magnetosphere and radiation zones.
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