
The Gravity Well Is the Secret to Mastering Space Travel | Inverse

Gravity in Latin ( gravitas) it is the interaction between all material bodies. The secret of gravity Even the sciences were not fully studied.  It is gravity that keeps the planets in the limelight. It is described by Newton's  theory of gravity and more precisely by Einstein's general theory of relativity. the force of gravitational attraction between two  material points with masses m 1 and m 2 at a distance r is proportional to both masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. F = G m1m2/r2      and where G is the gravitational constant.

about  6,67×10−11 მ³/(კგ·с²).  

          The force of  the sun's gravitational has pull 9 planets dozens of their satellites thousands of asteroids  and comets. without the force of gravity, planets, satellites and comets would fly in their own way. as we all know one of the grand events of nature - the seas and the oceans -is also subject to the force of gravity. there is the gravity between all the bodies in the universe . Newton called this event the law of world gravity, which become of great importance to mankind.

How the absence of gravity affects the human body

During s short lecture by Ted-Ed physicist and former NASA astronaut Jay Mackie spoke and discussed how the absence of gravity effects of human body. according to him, our bodies are adapted to the Earth's gravitational environment if we were to live in a place where gravity is different like a space station, our body would change . it has been proven that astronauts lose bone mass and muscle strength while  in space, as well as changing their sense of balance. lack of gravity leads to other problems, said Dr. Kevin Fong of medicine, speaking to wired. for some unknown reason , the number of our red blood cells decreases. As a result, we get  " cosmic anemia.. the wounds heal longer and the immune system  loses strength. sleep also breaks down in the gravity is weak or not at all. 

What if gravity disappears?

Gravitation to fade away would be far worse than the long-term effect on human development.  Karen Masters an astronomer from the University of  Portsmouth, has studied the immediate physical effects of gravity's disappearance. The first problem is that Earth's rotates as high speed as the rope gravity to rotate itself above.  ' Turning off" gravity would be equivalent to releasing  this rope,  Masters writes: anything not attached to the Earth by any other  means would traverse the Earth and go straight to the cosmos in a straight line.  Anyone who was not lucky out of the moment  would quickly  disappear from  the surface  of the Earth. People in the buildings are so tightly entrenched in the ground that  they would still stay in place without gravity- at least for some time, says  Masters.  Anything else that was not fastened would be bent to the Earth. Atmospheres, oceans,  rivers and lakes would be the first to appear in space. and we would ll die.  Written by Jolene  Creighton . lack of  gravity would eventually affect our planet. The Earth itself would probably be broken up into parts. and scattered into space. Eventually there would be no more accumulation of matter, as it is now, in the form of stars and planets  throughout the universe. Only the diffused  soup of atoms and molecules would remain. It shows  how fundamental gravity is to the workings of the universe. Without it there would not be nothing interesting, like a planet or a group.  Gravity is one of the four  fundamental forces that govern our world .  The remaining three are crucial. Without electromagnetism and strong and  weak nuclear forces, th atom would be broken down into parts. But gravity waves is so exciting, whether or not we have  direct contact with it.


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